Zion National Park



Park Warnings:

No warnings

A triangular sandstone mountain overlooks green and yellow foliage. A cloudy blue sky is overhead.

About Zion

Park Description

Follow the paths where people have walked for thousands of years. Gaze up at massive sandstone cliffs of cream, pink, and red that soar into a brilliant blue sky. Experience the tall, stretching walls of a narrow slot canyon. Zion’s unique array of plants and animals will enchant you as you absorb the rich history of the past and enjoy the excitement of present-day adventures.

Local Climate

Zion is known for a wide range of weather conditions. Temperatures vary with changes in elevation and day/night temperatures may differ by over 30°F. In summer, temperatures in Zion National Park often exceed 100°F/38°C. Zion experiences monsoons from mid-July into September that result in an increased risk of flash floods. Always be aware of the threat of storms and lightning and be prepared for a wide range of weather conditions. Winters are generally mild.

Things To Do In Zion

  • Arts and Culture
  • Astronomy
  • Stargazing
  • Biking
  • Road Biking
  • Camping
  • Backcountry Camping
  • Car or Front Country Camping
  • Horse Camping (see also Horse/Stock Use)
  • Canyoneering
  • Climbing
  • Rock Climbing
  • Guided Tours
  • Hiking
  • Front-Country Hiking
  • Junior Ranger Program
  • Wildlife Watching
  • Birdwatching
  • Park Film
  • Museum Exhibits
  • Shopping
  • Bookstore and Park Store