Rocky Mountain National Park



Park Warnings:

No warnings

A group of cow elk are standing next to a bull elk in a meadow

About Rocky Mountain

Park Description

Rocky Mountain National Park's 415 square miles (265,807 acres) encompasses a spectacular range of mountain environments. From meadows found in the montane life zone to glistening alpine lakes and up to the towering mountain peaks, there is something for everyone to discover. Along the way explore over 300 miles of hiking trails and incredible wildlife viewing.

Local Climate

Weather can change quickly in RMNP, due to Rocky's incredible range of elevations beginning at 7,800 feet and going to over 14,000 ft at the top of the alpine tundra. Always be prepared for changing weather. For detailed weather information, visit For the park-specific forecast, visit the National Weather Service at

Things To Do In Rocky Mountain

  • Auto and ATV
  • Scenic Driving
  • Camping
  • Backcountry Camping
  • Car or Front Country Camping
  • Group Camping
  • RV Camping
  • Climbing
  • Fishing
  • Hands-On
  • Citizen Science
  • Hiking
  • Junior Ranger Program
  • Skiing
  • Cross-Country Skiing
  • Snow Play
  • Snowshoeing
  • Wildlife Watching
  • Shopping